
Monday 18 November 2013

Front Cover Layout

I first created a text box and typed in 'masthead'. I placed this at the very top of the page because I think it will be most effective there because it is where people usually look first.

Afterwards, I created the bottom banner by drawing a black box. I then put white text over it. This will be where I put a feature that will likely be interesting to the readers.

I added in textboxes with a black border to represent the barcode, price and issue number and the date.
For some of the sell lines I used drew a black box behind each line to make it stand out and look different to the rest of the sell lines. I tilted the top and bottom box as well as this makes it disorientated and look more interesting.

On another sell line I made the number in between the two lines much bigger as this can really draw people's attention. I also changed the line spacing between the lines to make it more compressed together and look like they belonged together.

For the main sell line I used a variation of the font I used for most sell lines which was a 'linocut'. This made the edge of the text more rough and messy which makes it convey a pop/rock effect. In addition to this font variation, the greater font size, made it the next most eye-catching thing after the mast head.

I used a total of two different fonts and created variations of them to make it look more interesting that having the same font all over it. These variations included bold and linocut. In addition I made some of the sell lines in capitals to make it stand out and also indicate that it is the more important part of the sell line.

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